Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs)

The Global Standard for Legal Entity Registration and Verification

The LEI unique identifier enables clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions and is designed to reduce friction and accelerate business-to-business banking and trade.

FinClusive is one of the only US-based issuers and verifiers of LEIs, the global business registry run by the GLEIF Foundation

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Verifying legal entities globally has historically been a cumbersome and costly endeavor. This lack of transparency has resulted in financial crises, fraud and other abuses. As fintech companies, virtual asset service providers and Defi applications propagate - enabling more companies to engage commercially in more efficient and peer-to-peer (P2P) ways, ensuring such transparency between counterparties is even more essential.

GLEIF is the only global online source that provides an open, standardized and high quality legal entity reference data based on the global ISO standards. The LEI initiative is supported by the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and is fast growing as the global standard and technical protocol for the global business community.

This gives trading partners and their financial institutions a new way to interact with unprecedented efficiency, and is expected to have immeasurable benefits for global trade and B2B money flows. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, nonprofits and development organizations to global corporates and even alternative financial services providers themselves can seek out and receive a fully-credentialed LEI through FinClusive, enabling them to engage meaningfully in the global economy with legitimacy and transparency.

By tying the power of the LEI - verified business entity to FinClusive’s CDD Check utility - a financial crimes compliance (FCC) verification utility, there is now a unique digital compliance credential for businesses of all types that can confirm the entity, its beneficial owners, and KYB status in one check!